Victor PlazaWhat happens when you type ls -l in the shell.What happend when you type “ls -l” so for understand what happend we start for the basic.Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
Victor PlazaWhat happens when you type gcc main.cGCC stands for “GNU Compiler Collection”. GCC is an integrated distribution of compilers for several major programming languages. These…Sep 17, 2020Sep 17, 2020
Victor PlazaWhat is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link?In this introduction to hard links and symbolic links, we will first try to learn and define what each one means.Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
Victor PlazaWhat happens when you type ls *.cWe will see what happens when executing the ls * .c command in a linux sellSep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020